In my opinion, the worst part about following a vegan diet is the lack of cheese. It’s just something I honestly don’t think I could ever give up. Gorgonzola, baked camembert, even good old cheddar – how could I ever say no? Turns out, I could just say yes to vegan cheese instead. So naturally I did, albeit after a little trial and error and a lot of taste tests.
Vegan mozzarella, vegan ricotta, and vegan brie are all things I had no idea existed until I popped into Planet Organic to pick up my favourite overpriced kombucha. The vegan gouda caught my eye, and the rest is history. In other words, I’ve had more than my fair share of dairy-free cheese, and I consider myself a bit of an expert on the topic. Read through to discover 10 of the best vegan cheeses in the UK – from someone who really, really loves the actual stuff.